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Welcome to Jade's Advice Column

Dear Jade

I have been dating my boyfriend for three months and recently he's been pushing me to have sex with him. I'm sixteen and even though half of my friends have been having sex for a couple of years. I just don't feel like it's right. What should I do. I don't want to loose this guy, other than this, he's a real nice guy. Afraid I'm going to loose him in Michigan

Dear afraid you'll loose: If you don't feel right about it, you're not ready to have sex. Be honest with your boyfriend and if he doesn't care enough about you he will move on, and good ridance, you're better off. If he does care, he'll be disappointed but he'll stick around and wait until you are ready. When you are ready you will know it. You will want it and have no reservations about doing it. But when you are ready, please take precautions. Make him wear a fresh condom with spermicidal jelly. And if you haven't had a sex education class, I suggest you talk to an adult about it and get more information on what it's all about. If you can't talk to your parents, then go see the school nurse or your sex education teacher. They are professionals and will give you sound advice. Thank-you for writing, Jade.

Dear Jade

I'm trying to make homemade dumplings but they just keep coming out heavy. My mother-in-law makes excellent dumplings and my husband is always raving over them. I have followed her recipe exactly but I can't make them come out. Frustrated.

Dear Frustrated: If you're making them with milk, use water or instant milk, and make them large instead of small. They will be a lot fluffier. If all else fails, buy a Jiffy baking mix and follow the directions, this biscut mix makes great dumplings. Thank-you for writing.

If you would like to ask Jade's advice, please *Click Here* to send your letter via e-mail.

Thank-you for visiting. Please bookmark this page in case you want to ask Jade at another time.

Disclaimer: Jade is not a registered psychologist, or affiliated with any psychological agency. Any advice she gives, comes from her own common sense, life experiences, or possibly at times a researched topic. Jade or any of her affiliates, family, friends or anyone associated with her are not responsible for any action(s) taken by any parties, in relation to this advice column.